
Vestige Coin - Your planetary based memory on a coin.

Created by Jordan Welch, Atomic Copper

A classically minted coin, hand detailed, to represent your most meaningful date. Great as a gift or a personal reminder!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Die Production and Minting Update / Photo Dump
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Dec 04, 2016 at 10:44:09 PM

Dies, smashing metal into beauty.

Shortly after I showed off the designs to you folks here on Kickstarter, I spoke with Shire Post Mint about their time availability and emailed them the designs so that we could finalize some fine details. We spoke of the intricacies of the design, how each cut into the die would represent itself upon the face of the coin, as well as the depths of the cut and what would stand out the most. 

A centered support and guide were required for the concentric lines of the orbits to keep things even.
A centered support and guide were required for the concentric lines of the orbits to keep things even.

Woody, at Shire Post, didn't hesitate to get cracking on the dies for Vestige. With the simplicity of the design and the size of the coin, within a days work I had these pictures sent to me, and will all the giddiness that I can contain I wish to share them with you.

The ease of design reduction and transfer are made with the use of a special drill.
The ease of design reduction and transfer are made with the use of a special drill.

By using a stylus or indicator on the right side of the drill, tracing the design on paper allows for the drill on the left to actually cut into the metal that will become the die. 

Orbit lines are laid down, to be followed by Sun rays and subtle asteroid belt detailing.
Orbit lines are laid down, to be followed by Sun rays and subtle asteroid belt detailing.

 Knowing full well that there would be a great deal happening on the face of the coin itself, I was anxious to leave the back nearly blank, but after deliberating on the idea the design was chosen and its design has also been started onto a die blank.

The translation of the lunar phases to the reverse of the coin.
The translation of the lunar phases to the reverse of the coin.

 As I spoke with Woody I came to the conclusion, with his recommendation, that the full moon should have more of a domed shape to it rather than the stark edges that the rest of the phases will have. Representing the subtle existence that the new moon phase is with this softer cut, we're able to provide that contrast and complete the symmetry of the reverse.

Rough cuts to the reverse of Vestige.
Rough cuts to the reverse of Vestige.


Rough cut and new moon beginnings.
Rough cut and new moon beginnings.

 With that being shown and said, dies are slated to be done Monday or Tuesday with initial strikes, or minted coins, headed my way. I was thinking that today I would get some product together and show how each would look on the different metals with the different finishes. Knowing that by nearly the end of this week I will have some actual minted Vestige in my hands, I figured it might be worth the wait, and I hope you agree.

Coin Blanks

One issue that I ran into was the fact that my supplier of blanks that would be used for Vestige are too big around. They're sitting at 39mm across and the proper tools that Shire Post will only accommodate up to 38.5mm. As per the norm, Shire Post to the rescue by reducing the diameter of the blanks by that paltry .5mm which would have made life rather difficult. The machine rimmed it nicely and now everything will fit.

Bear with me folks, I'm working hard to get some images of what the combinations will look like.

Ruby and Copper/Brass Combo

For those who've asked, I've borrowed an image from a knife maker by the name of Serge Panchenko. Along with those knives, he makes tops and other fun things to play with. His tops are usually darkened brass or bronze, and copper looks very similar. His contact points on his tops are the same synthetic rubies that will be found on Vestige. As soon as I get them together, I'll have some better examples of what that possibility will look like. 

Deep rubies with antiqued copper and brass.
Deep rubies with antiqued copper and brass.


Slightly modified to enhance color contrast.
Slightly modified to enhance color contrast.


Usage of Vestige

I intended for Vestige to be carried, a product that would accompany you in your day to day life and act as that reminder for that date. I understand that they'll get used as display pieces and given as gifts, I'm sure that all will enjoy them. I do carry my prototypes with me frequently, as I work, play with my boys, or take my wife to dinner, they're with me to age and remind me of what I'm working for. If you don't already, head over to Instagram and follow me at There you'll get to see updates quicker than the frequency at which I wrangle these updates onto the internet. You'll also get to see how my prototypes and personal Vestige's will age and change based on my interactions with them. I'd like to see how yours age and reflect their existence with you as well. Don't be afraid of patina, don't be annoyed by smudges. They'll take on a character all their own, one that no soul can replicate.

I usually have a good knife as my companion as well. First Vestige Proto.
I usually have a good knife as my companion as well. First Vestige Proto.


Latest prototype. The over-filled solar system representing the many moons of our planets as well. Also set in brass with a light patina.
Latest prototype. The over-filled solar system representing the many moons of our planets as well. Also set in brass with a light patina.

Thanks for your time,


Feel free to contact me here on Kickstarter, on Instagram or Facebook. I'd love to hear your plans, ideas and suggestions. Your feedback empowers me. 

Design Update and Resource References.
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:12:26 PM

The Design

From the beginning of this project, I decided that the fewer the details on the face of the coin the better it would be. Since that foolish thought I've come around to thinking that detailing would add to the experience and create a greater piece of art and more enjoyable experience for you as the user. 

Vestige will still be keeping it simple, as I've tried to do from day one. Expounding on the idea that the sensory experience of touch would aid in the memory attached, I found myself more connected to the date that the coin was associated with. I've carried all my prototypes, not only as field testing for the functionality of the coin, but for the sensory aesthetic experience that would accompany it's presence. The actual system coin that was modeled after the Boston Tea Party which aided in the beginning of the American Revolution was the first to frequent my pocket. As I became familiar with the location of the planets I found myself looking back at history and wondering what our generation would be remembered for in the annuls of time. The Luke, that was a prototype, just gave me warm nostalgic feelings of my childhood where my brothers and I would watch Star Wars for hours on end. 

I'm anxious to get these coins into your hands so that you can have these same experiences. 

The design is finished, and has been sent to Shire Post Mint for die preparation and production. I'm hoping that before the campaign is done, I'll have some finished product to show you fine folks, and I think we will get to see it with all it's planet material options.

Vestige, Obverse and Reverse
Vestige, Obverse and Reverse

 The detailing on the coin isn't quite set in stone, or metal for that matter. I've given some creative liberty to Woody over at Shire Post to detail the Asteroid Belt to his liking. I'm quite fond of the simple rays around the sun, and I hope you enjoy them as well. They're reminiscent of classic American coinage that displays similar ray patterns. 

I've wanted to keep the reverse open for further personalization, allowing names, dates or personal messages to fit upon the back of the coin. Thanks to you wonderful folks and a few particular folks pulling together a couple days ago to ensure our 5k goal, I'll be able to do those engravings for you, for free. I'll be able to provide actual scribing limitations prior to project end.

A completely blank backside of a coin is boring though, and to add some depth to the reverse I felt that the phases of our moon would do well to bring the idea together. The new moon at the bottom will be included, only lightly, as the rest of the phases and full moon are given greater accent.

Data Resources

By using the data that is made available by NASA and JPL to the public, such as ourselves, I'm able to calculate the locations of the celestial bodies within our solar system. By giving me the date of your choosing you've filled in part of the equation to the jumble of arithmetic that calculates the planet's location. The HORIZONS web interface of JPL ( allows you to choose your planet, location of observation and find the location of the planets in the sky based on it's ascension and declination. Using that data and the information given me by you (specific date) I'm able to extrapolate their locations and apply them to your Vestige Coin. If you'd like to take a look at what your coin is going to look like without all the mathematics and NASA jargon, head over to Solar System Live to enter in your date and view their positions, . I recommend adjusting the size of the rendering on the page to 500 and to change the orbits to EQUAL so that each planet is easily viewed. This style is how the planets will be displayed on the face of your Vestige Coin. 

Projects I Love

CODE41 - The mechanical watches disrupting Swiss watchmaking.

CODE41 is a Swiss community brand that creates high quality and spectacular mechanical watches at reasonable prices, through a policy of complete transparency on origin, costs and development. Check out their campaign HERE


Galilean Inspiration
almost 8 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 12:34:33 PM

With the permission of John Schipp, the mastermind behind the Harpuahound Studio, I'm here to help clear up some curiosity about the appearance of the Galileo version of Vestige.

This is the Athena Spinning coin in silver from John. His work is phenomenal, and what I'd like to focus on is the beautiful contrast between the raw silver and the red of the ruby. I'll have some better pictures available shortly, but for now, this will suffice.

Galileo Early Backer 2 and comments about backing.
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 03:28:54 PM

I have decided to open up another early bird on the Galileo for those who are interested. I've priced it at $65 for you fine folks who've already backed me and any lucky guy or gal who wanders in.

With that being said, there is the ability to essentially pre-order on the reward level you're currently backing by simply increasing your pledge by multiples of the dollar amount you've already pledged. For example if you wanted 3 EB Copernicus then it would be $25 x 3 = 75 + shipping = total cost. In some cases, if there are large enough quantity, the shipping will change based on the weight of the combined coins. I'll be able to adjust and compensate for that when we get to the end and get the BackerKit finished.

Some have asked about the ability to see the contrast of the materials with their availability. I will get a brass coin fashioned up tonight for you, and may be able to get a silver one worked up tonight. I still have some of the materials on their way to me, the ceramics, ruby/sapphire and the carbides. I'm hoping some will be here within the next week and allow me to get some materials examples for you folks.

Thanks again every one. I should have the finished design by the end of the coming week, a couple drafts tonight that I'll be able to share and then get sent off to Shire Post Mint for die preparation. 

We're funded!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 01:34:52 AM

I'll be honest folks, I didn't think that my project was going to fund itself within a week, let alone an hour and 37 minutes and then go on to double the goal by the end of the day. I am incredibly grateful for your support and honored to be able to fashion together something so personal for you folks. 

I also realized that I hadn't shown off any pictures of the size of the coins. Without further hesitation, here are the sizes of the copper, brass and silver Vestige. I've used a good old quarter and dime as size reference and then a couple less common coins for fun. One is a Morgan Dollar and the other is a large cent from the middle of the 1800's, and since I work at a coin shop I love good old coinage. 

Don't forget to share the project with your friends and family. Lets get to that stretch goal and get some engraving done one these coins! We're a fifth of the way there, and should be a joy getting there.

I've also been considering opening up a second run of Galileo Silver Vestige at $65 for 10 folks, what do you think?

The Vestige, 38.5mm vs. a classic quarter, 24.26mm
The Vestige, 38.5mm vs. a classic quarter, 24.26mm


Large Cent, 28.57 and Tatoo Vestige, at 38.5mm
Large Cent, 28.57 and Tatoo Vestige, at 38.5mm


Vestige at 38.5mm and a Morgan Dollar at 38.1mm
Vestige at 38.5mm and a Morgan Dollar at 38.1mm

Because of that excitement I'm excited to be working with Shire Post Mint. Their work is fantastic, and if you haven't seen it, I recommend checking their work out. They're wonderful people who are making some great coins, including ours. Pop over and say thanks for all of us.

Along the same lines of outer space beauty that we all love, I'd like to mention a project from a wonderful gal in Australia who's artwork is astounding. I've backed her artwork myself and am anxious to have this gorgeous work on the wall in my home. There's a week left on the project  and you can still get some great art to go with your Vestige Coin.

Check out the edlee Sunglasses campaign as they are offering a Buy One, Share One offer. Back their project to get a great pair of bamboo or wooden polarized sunglasses AND send a second pair to anyone you want for free. Help their Shared Experiences campaign by sharing a pair of sunglassses on them. Who wouldn't want to share a slick pair of shades with their friends or family?